Thursday, 30 May 2013

3 Techniques for Expanding your Email Reach

Email marketers are facing a tough time with growing emails remaining unopened and unsubscribes. Acquiring new subscribers using old techniques is expensive. Below I have listed 3 techniques that you can use to spread the word of your emails/newsletters beyond the email list that you are sending the emails to.
  1. Add social sharing in your emails – Let your loyal email subscribers help you. Add easy social sharing links/buttons to help them tweet, share on Facebook, linked in etc. If they like something in your email they will share it with their followers and friends. This will not only spread your messages but also will provide you with new subscribers.
  2. Segment differently – If you are doing segmentation to send emails, it is possible that you might be able grow the list of people in your segment by thinking beyond your current segmentation criteria. For example if you are sending a particular emails to who have listed their title as “Web Analyst”, you can extend the list by looking for subscribers who have not listed themselves as “Web Analyst” but exhibited behavior that looks like “web analysts” e.g. downloaded a whitepaper on tag management.
  3. Find Look Alike Using 3rd Party Data – You can go beyond emails and use 3rd parties to find “Look Alikes” of your loyal subscribers/customers. Find you loyal email subscribers/customers based on email opens/clicks/conversion and use their cookies to find more people like them using 3rd party cookie matching solutions such as BlueKai, i-Behavior etc. (Make sure not to cross the privacy lines when using these services).
“Email-Marketing” image is copyright by ePublicist and made available under a Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license. Source:
I would love to hear about other techniques that you might be using.
Related posts
  1. Are You Depleting Your Email List?
  2. Number One Email Marketing Mistake
  3. 7 Ways to Create Relevancy in Emails

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Books that I am reading or have read recently
  1. You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Profit or The Art and Science of Optimized Marketing
  2. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die
  3. Data Points: Visualization That Means Something

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