Thursday, 30 April 2009

What Is Your Conversion Rate?

When most marketers and analyst talk about conversion rate they seem to quote around 2 to 3% as the average conversion rate. Bryan Eisenberg wrote a great article on this subject titled The Average Conversion Rate: Is It a Myth?

In this article he writes:
“The sites that should convert 2 to 3 percent of their traffic are the exception, not the rule. I've long stated that sites that convert less than 10 percent should be concerned. Consider this along with the rising cost of online traffic, and the concern becomes a nightmare. Too many online marketers are spending too much money and time throwing too much unqualified traffic at their sites, then tweaking their traffic quality trying to reach the 2 to 3 percent mythical conversion rate.
If more online marketers focused their efforts on studying visitor intent and site optimization, instead of just driving traffic, their average conversion rates would be much, much higher.”

To inspire you or to make you depressed (the choice is yours) here are some of the top conversion rates for e-commerce sites as reported by

Source: Marketing Charts (via Nielsen Online)
Note: To be considered, e-commerce sites must have had a minimum of 500K unique visitors during the month. Conversion-rate data is based on visitor conversion rates, not session conversion rates: i.e., No. of unique customers/No. of unique visitors.

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Friday, 24 April 2009

Conversation with Barry Parshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebTrends

Continuing my series of conversation with Webtrends executives at Engage conference here is my conversation with Barry Parshall, VP of Product Strategy at WebTrends

Also check out

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Friday, 17 April 2009

WAA Board of Directors

I am very honored and excited to be elected to the Board of Web Analytics Association.

I would like to thank all of you who provided support and encouraged me during me run for the WAA board. If it were not for Seth Romanow I probably would not be a board member today. Seth encouraged me and convinced me that I should run for the board. Thank you Seth.

I would also like to thank all of you voted for me. I know it was a tough to decide who to vote for because we had so many great candidates.

I will be in San Jose for eMetrics starting Sunday May 3rd . If you are going to be there I would love to meet with you to discuss where WAA needs to focus in coming year. If you are not going to be there, you can always email me at and send me you phone number. I look forward to speaking with you.

Thank You
Anil Batra

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Conversation with Casey Carey, VP of Products Webtrends

Continuing my series of conversation with Webtrends executives at Engage conference here is my conversation with Casey Carey, VP of Products at WebTrends

Also check out my

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Conversation with Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, VP of Marketing WebTrends

Conversation with Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, VP of Marketing WebTrends
I did a series of interviews with Webtrends executives at WebTrends Enagage conference earlier this month.

Here is a message from Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, VP of Marketing WebTrends for all those who could not attend Webtrends Engage Conference.

Also check out my conversation with Alex Yoder, CEO of Webtrends.

Looking to fill your Web Analytics or Online Marketing position?
Post your open jobs on

Thursday, 9 April 2009

My Conversation with WebTrends CEO Alex Yoder at Engage Conference

I had an opportunity to sit down with Alex Yoder yesterday and this morning to discuss where WebTrends is heading, the future of web analytics and what do we need to do to make Web Analytics industry successful. (Both of us are running for the Web Analytics Association board and if you have not voted yet then please do vote for both of us. Yes you can vote for both of us. I am supporting his nomination.)

Below is the video of my conversation with him this morning, this conversation was focused around his main message in his keynote speech. This video is for all those who could not attend the conference. I have also interviewed several other executives from WebTrends, those videos will be available soon.

Have a question for Alex? Post it here or ask him on twitter at @yodera.

I am running for the WAA Board of Directors position and will appreciate your support and vote. To learn why you should vote for me please view my details at WAA Site. If you have any questions please feel to email me at
Site: AnilBatra.comTwitter: